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Mapp & Hession Pharmacy Murwillumbah King Street Chemist Greg Mapp & Paul Hession

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This plant’s root is highly toxic, and was used as poison of the time of the ancient Greeks. If it is administered in minute doses, it produces mental and physical restlessness and tissue inflammation. For this reason, Aconite is prescribed for patients who seem distressed or fearful, who are thirsty and have unbearable aches and pains.

For Homoeopathic use, the whole plant (except the root) is gathered in full bloom and ground to a pulp. The juice is mixed with alcohol, then diluted until it becomes non-toxic.

This Homoeopathic remedy may aid…

  • angina,
  • arrhythmia,
  • anxiety created by sudden shock,
  • arthritis,
  • asthma,
  • bronchitis,
  • colds and flu,
  • fevers and chills that may be accompanied by restlessness or thirst,
  • eye inflammations with burning pain and sensitivity to light,
  • laryngitis,
  • sore throat,
  • middle ear infections,
  • toothaches.


Aconite is available over the counter in various potencies, in both tablet and liquid form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Allium cepa is also known as red onion and can be grown anywhere. This plant has been used in folk medicine for many years.

Red onion can be applied to the skin in compresses for acne, arthritis, and congestion, and used internally for worms.
These days herbalists use the plant for treating such ailments as earaches, haemorrhoids, and high blood pressure.

Allium cepa is considered a remedy for conditions with symptoms like those which are caused by exposure to red onions, such as watering eyes and a burning, runny nose.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • colds with sinus congestion that shifts from side to side in the head
  • coughs that cause a ripping tearing pain in the throat
  • watery and inflamed eyes
  • hayfever
  • neuralgic pains
  • earaches.


Allium cepa is available over the counter in liquid or tablet.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Allium Cepa

Another name for Apis is the honeybee. Honey has been revered since ancient times when bees were a symbol of power, wealth, and wellbeing. Honey was chosen above all other healing substances. However, it is the bee itself that is used in Homoeopathic medicine.

This remedy is used to treat patients whose symptoms are similar to the results of a bee sting… And it is also prescribed for patients who are restless or irritable. The entire live honeybee is crushed and diluted by mixing it into a base.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • bites and stings
  • conjunctivitis
  • edema
  • conditions of general swelling
  • headaches
  • red, swollen joints
  • mumps.


Apis is available over the counter in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Arnica grows wild in Europe, northern Asia, and parts of the United States. Homoeopaths often prescribe Arnica for bruises, sprains, strains, and other types of accidents that are sudden and may induce shock.

Most of the plant is crushed to a pulp and soaked in alcohol before undergoing the dilution process. This process makes the substance safe and non-toxic.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • blood blisters caused by a blow to the area
  • broken bones and sprains
  • strains, and other sudden injuries
  • bruises
  • sore and swollen joints, as in rheumatism
  • head pain
  • toothache and pain from dental work.
  • groin strain.


Arnica is available over the counter in both tablet and liquid form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


This remedy is an extremely dilute form of arsenic. If your body accumulates this element slowly over time, it can experience chronic poisoning, leading to gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, dehydration, and even death. Weak preparations of arsenic are safely used medicinally.

The main Homoeopathic theory states that 'like cures like', therefore, Arsenicum Album is prescribed to treat patients with symptoms that are similar to those that are induced by Arsenicum Album.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • angina
  • anxiety disorders and panic attacks
  • asthma and hay fever
  • blistered burns
  • chronic skin problems
  • high fevers and chills
  • recurrent headaches
  • dry, hacking coughs
  • colds with watery nasal discharge and sneezing and flu
  • colitis and indigestion
  • food poisoning
  • Crohn's disease
  •  insomnia
  • exhaustion brought on by an illness and coupled with restlessness.


Arsenicum Album is available over the counter in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Arsenicum Album

Deadly nightshade is another name given to belladonna. It is a highly toxic plant which grows wild across Europe. Its name means 'beautiful woman' in Italian. Ladies of Italy used to dilate their pupils with belladonna eye drops for a doe-eyed look.

The symptoms from belladonna poisoning include a dry mouth and hot, flushed skin, nausea, convulsions, and delirium.

Homoeopaths prescribe Belladonna for illnesses that have similar symptoms. All parts of the belladonna plant are used in the Homoeopathic remedy. The plant is crushed and pressed with the juice mixed with alcohol to dilute it.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • common cold and flu, sore throat,
  • earache
  • high fever accompanied by chills,
  • inflammatory arthritis,
  • acute bursitis,
  • gallstones,
  • colic,
  • measles,
  • mumps,
  • acute diverticulitis, neuralgia,
  • sunstroke,
  • acutely inflamed varicose veins,
  • painful toothache,
  • painful menstrual periods,
  • teething pains in infants,
  • breast-feeding complications.


Belladonna is available over the counter in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Bryonia is commonly found in Europe and its reputation was known to the Greeks of ancient times who used the plant as a cleanser. If you were to consume the root of the plant you may experience tissue inflammation, severe vomiting, and very severe diarrhoea.

Homoeopaths prescribe diluted solutions of Bryonia for illnesses that have similar symptoms. The Homoeopathic remedy is prepared from the root and is mixed with alcohol into an extremely dilute solution.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • arthritis
  • backaches
  • bursitis.
  • colds accompanied by chest congestion
  • painful coughs
  • sore throat, with pain upon swallowing
  • influenza
  • severe headaches
  • nausea, vomiting, constipation, gastritis, acute diverticulitis
  • inflammation during breast-feeding.


Bryonia is available over the counter in both liquid and tablet form.


This remedy is also known as calcium carbonate and is a source of calcium. Calcium is essential for bone and cell formation. Calcium carbonate is used by Homoeopath for conditions with symptoms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • lower-back pain,
  • broken bones- slow to heal,
  • muscle cramps and sprains,
  • constipation,
  • chronic ear infections,
  • eye inflammations,
  • headaches,
  • insomnia brought on by anxiety,
  • eczema,
  • allergies,
  • teething problems,
  • gastritis,
  • gallstones,
  • menstrual problems,
  • asthma,
  • arthritis.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Calcarea Carbonica

Spanish fly is the more common name of cantharis. It is actually a beetle that produces an irritant so caustic that it makes the skin blister if exposed to it.

Cantharis has been used for many different disorders such as baldness, rheumatism, and as an aphrodisiac. It can be toxic in high doses and can create abdominal cramps vomiting up blood, pains in the throat and stomach, diarrhoea, kidney damage, convulsions, coma, and death. Homoeopaths prescribe Cantharis for their patients who have symptoms like those above.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • bladder infections or cystitis
  • sunburns
  • scalds, and blistering second-degree burns.


Cantharis is available over the counter, in liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Chamomilla is derived from the flowering German chamomile plant. The plant is crushed, and its juices are mixed with equal parts of alcohol.

In Homoeopathy, Chamomilla is usually prescribed for people who are sensitive to pain, irritable, impatient, sweat easily and rigid. Chamomilla is also given to children who have severe temper tantrums.

Like nearly all Homoeopathic formulas, Chamomilla was developed as a remedy by observing the reactions of healthy people to undiluted doses.

The changes induced by Chamomilla were then recorded. When a Homoeopath has a patient with symptoms similar to the recorded symptoms, the Homoeopath then prescribes it in an extremely dilute form. In the diluted form, Chamomilla can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • irritability
  • toothaches aggravated by cold air and warm food
  • painful menstrual periods with severe cramping and a feeling of anger or restlessness
  • extremely painful earaches
  • teething pain, especially if the child is irritable
  • difficulty getting to sleep.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


This is also called Ferrum Phos or iron phosphate and is a mineral compound of iron and phosphorus. Both these elements are present in the body independently; phosphorus supplies sustenance to bone and muscle health, while iron aids the exchange of oxygen in the blood.

Ferrum Phos is derived from mixing iron sulfate, phosphate, and sodium acetate. The resulting iron phosphate is ground with lactose to make it non-toxic.

Homoeopaths recommend Ferrum Phos for patients suffering from conditions with low energy and anaemia.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • Tickling, hacking coughs with chest pain,
  • headaches,
  • fevers that begin slowly,
  • ear infections,
  • incontinence,
  • rheumatic joints,
  • early menstrual periods with headaches,
  • anaemia,
  • fatigue,
  • nosebleeds,
  • sore throat,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • palpitations.


Available in various potencies, in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Ferrum Phosphoricum

Although Gelsemium is often called yellow jasmine, it is not really part of the jasmine family but it is related. Taken in large doses, Gelsemium causes paralysis, impairing physical and mental functions and ultimately leading to convulsions and death.

Homoeopaths prescribe minute amounts of Gelsemium for ailments that are accompanied by symptoms like those of Gelsemium poisoning.

In its Homoeopathic form, Gelsemium is prepared from the fresh root in highly diluted potencies.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • anxiety
  • flu with aches
  • chills and exhaustion
  • headache
  • measles
  • sore throat
  • fever with chills that move up and down the spine


Available over the counter in various potencies, in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


This is commonly known as calcium sulphide. Once an antidote for mercury poisoning, calcium sulphide is now used by Homoeopathic physicians to treat patients with conditions that are infected, often producing pus. These disorders are usually accompanied by mental and physical hypersensitivity and an intolerance of pain and cold.

Sulphur and ground oyster shell and are mixed together and then heated in an airtight container. The resulting powder is dissolved then combined with lactose in a diluting process.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

· abscesses that are swollen and painful but have not yet opened

  • colds
  • sore throat
  • earache
  • inflamed cuts and wounds that may be taking a long time to heal
  • fits of coughing with chest pain
  • hoarseness
  • asthma
  • emphysema
  • genital herpes
  • constipation.


Available over the counter in various potencies, in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Hepa Sulphuris

General Introduction…

A German scientist first demonstrated that homeopathy could be used as a natural method of therapy in 1806. It was found that a substance that produced symptoms of illness in a healthy individual could also produce curative effects in a sick person. He stated that what a substance can cause, it can cure.

He found that the closer the similarity between the physical symptoms of the remedy and the drug picture (the symptoms that the drug produces in a healthy person), the better the healing effect.

When given the right remedy, the vital force within the person was restored. When sick, this vital force becomes temporarily unsound by the illness, by introducing a similar affliction to the body, it is able to return to a normal healthy state.

This German scientist experimented with many substances to try to remove their patient’s symptoms. When experimenting, he diluted the substance and found the effect was more potent and helped the body restore its vital force more efficiently. If it doesn’t, then a new substance or remedy is tried.
The homeopath will examine the patient thoroughly by discussing all the person’s symptoms until the right remedy is pinpointed.
Homeopathic remedies are generally side-effect free.

How are homoeopathic remedies made?

Homoeopathic remedies are generally made on natural substances - common plants and seeds, common metals and their salts.

All homoeopathic remedies are dissolved into an alcoholic solution called a 'mother tincture'. By being diluted, the toxic side effects are destroyed. They are diluted until there is only one drop of the active ingredient in every 100 parts of the remedy. The remedy is then shaken to distribute the therapeutic effect.

The typical potency strength is 6c and 30c. This means that the original mother tincture has been diluted by a factor f one part in 100 and this process of dilution s then repeated 6 or 30 separate times.

How should these remedies be taken?

The remedies should be sucked around in the mouth, not swallowed and gulped down. The remedies can be placed under or on top of the tongue. It is wise not to take any caffeine drinks or food, codeine, peppermint are avoided while taking homoeopathic remedies.

You can take herbal teas that have no peppermint in them and plain filtered water at this time. These substances disturb the effectiveness of the homoeopathic remedies. Ideally, you should not have anything to drink or eat 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after a remedy is taken.

But couldn’t these remedies be dangerous?

It is vital to point out that although some remedies originally come from a poisonous plant, the homoeopathic remedy, prepared by extreme dilution methods, has no molecules of the original substance left in the final preparation. The remedy still has a therapeutic effect and is totally safe to take.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Homeopathy Introduction

This Also known as St.-John's-wort, this shrubby perennial herb has oblong leaves that are covered with transparent oil glands that look like human flesh. The leaves resemble skin and even give the appearance of bleeding when injured. It is no coincidence that this herb is renowned for it’s healing properties for the skin.

In Homoeopathy, Hypericum is often prescribed for injuries to the body, and for the soothing effect it has on injured nerves.

The whole plant is harvested for Homoeopathic use in summer and is pounded to a pulp, soaked in an alcohol solution, then diluted to the desired potencies.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • backaches along the lower spine
  • bites and stings from animals and insects
  • cuts and wounds to nerve-rich parts of the body.
  • suppresses Inflammation
  • suppresses or inhibits some types of viruses
  • may inhibits the virus that causes Hepatitis B
  • significantly improves anxiety


Hypericum is available over the counter in various strengths, in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


This plant has beans which are often named St. Ignatius bean. Small doses of the seed can produce unpleasant symptoms of poisoning and large doses can be fatal.

Homoeopaths may prescribe Ignatia for ailments that have symptoms similar to those associated with mild poisoning.
For the Homoeopathic preparation, the seeds are ground to a powder, then mixed with alcohol. Then the mixture is diluted until it becomes non-toxic.

Ignatia was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Sulphur can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • anxiety
  • dry, tickling coughs
  • a sore throat that feels like there is a lump in it
  • painful tension headaches
  • indigestion
  • insomnia
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • painful haemorrhoids
  • effects of grief, shock, disappointment, or depression.


Ignatia is available over the counter at many pharmacies.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


The Ipecacuanha shrub has been used over the years to promote vomiting. Consuming the root may produce symptoms that include appetite stimulation, sweating, vomiting, gastritis, inflammation of the lungs, and heart failure.

The Homoeopathic remedy is made from the root, the most potent part of the plant. It is dried, ground into a powder, diluted in milk sugar and weakened to a non-toxic level.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • persistent nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • motion sickness;
  • menstrual problems;
  • asthma;
  • dry cough;
  • diarrhoea,
  • flu with vomiting and nausea,
  • colic,
  • gastroenteritis.


Ipecac is available over the counter in various potencies.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Kali Bichromicum is a chemical compound that may be derived from chromium iron ore or by another process. Kali Bichromicum is a highly caustic and powerful poison and is mainly utilised in textile dyeing, wood staining, and is also in electric batteries.

Homoeopaths believe Kali Bichromicum is best used for conditions that have symptoms of localised pain.
For Homoeopathic use, this caustic chemical, also called Kali Bi, is diluted to non toxic levels.

Like most Homoeopathic prescriptions, Kali Bi was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by Kali Bi, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Kali Bi can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • acute bronchitis,
  • mucusy colds coupled with a heavy cough,
  • croup,
  • sinusitis and resulting headaches,
  • indigestion,
  • pains in the joints.


Kali Bichromicum is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Kali Bichromicum

This is the venom of a South American snake. You only need small doses of this venom todestroy red blood cells. Larger amounts poison the heart.

Homoeopaths recommend Lachesis for patients whose symptoms are similar to the ones created by the venom. This Homoeopathic remedy is prepared by extracting the venom from the snake and diluting it in large quantities of lactose.
Lachesish, like most Homoeopathic remedies, was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Lachesish can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • choking coughs
  • croup
  • a constricted feeling in the throat
  • earaches that are worse during swallowing
  • left-sided sore throats
  • indigestion
  • throbbing headaches
  • insomnia
  • hot flashes
  • heart arrhythmias
  • hemorrhoids
  • sciatica.


Lachesis is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Ledum is often used as a tea. Small doses of Ledum are helpful for conditions that have symptom such as infection or inflammation.

Like most Homoeopathic prescriptions, Ledum was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by Ledum, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Ledum can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • animal bites or insect stings
  • bruises
  • deep cuts
  • gout
  • aching joints.


Ledum is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Lycopodium has spores that contain a flammable pollen. The powder which is made from the pollen has been used for diarrhoea and dysentery for centuries.

Homoeopaths use dilute doses of Lycopodium for symptoms such as digestive upset, ailments that seem to develop on the right side of the body, a strong desire for sweets, anxiety, and symptoms that worsen in the early evening.

Lycopodium was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded. When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Lycopodium can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • backache
  • bedwetting
  • colds with stuffy nose
  • constipation
  • phlegmy coughs
  • cystitis
  • headache
  • gout
  • indigestion accompanied by abdominal cramps
  • gas
  • heartburn
  • joint pain
  • sciatica
  • eczema.


Lycopodium is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Otherwise known as quicksilver, mercury has been used in many civilisations for healing and medicine. Consuming certain mercury compounds can result in excessive perspiration and saliva and was thought in ancient times to rid the body of toxins.

Undiluted mercury is toxic, however, and can result in poisoning. Symptoms may include nausea, inflammation of the digestive tract, and kidney failure.

Homoeopaths prescribe Mercurius Vivus for patients with symptoms of shaking, hot and cold sweats, and restlessness.
Mercurius Vivus was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Mercurius Vivus can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • abscesses
  • backache
  • chickenpox
  • colds
  • cystitis
  • painful diarrhoea
  • influenza
  • earache with pus
  • eye inflammation
  • indigestion
  • mouth ulcers
  • burning sore throat
  • toothache with increased salivation.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Mercurius Vivus

Natrum muriaticum is simply salt, or sodium chloride. This substance is prevalent in our world in large quantities. Although salt is necessary to sustain life and is important for our health, it is highly unlikely that we would ever be deficient is this form of sodium chloride.

Homoeopaths prescribe dilute solutions of Nat mur (shortened for Natrum Muriaticum) for symptoms such as extreme thirst, emotional sensitivity, and a strong desire for salt.

Nat mur was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Nat mur can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • backaches
  • cold sores
  • colds - sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose
  • constipation
  • fevers
  • genital herpes
  • eczema
  • anaemia
  • hay fever and migraine headaches
  • menstrual irregularity
  • indigestion
  • depression caused by grief, with a desire to be alone.


Nat Mur is often available over the counter at Pharmacies.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Natrum Muriaticum

Nux vomica is made from seeds of a tree native to India, Thailand, China, and Australia. The seeds contain strychnine which given in small doses can stimulate the appetite. If given in larger doses can decrease the appetite and cause stiffness in the arms and legs and a staggered walk. Toxic doses can be fatal.

Nux vomica is frequently prescribed by Homoeopaths for conditions that occur from too much food, coffee, or alcohol, which can also make the patient irritable.

Nux Vomica was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Nux vomica can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • colic and stomach cramps caused by overeating
  • constipation from a sedentary lifestyle
  • cystitis
  • dizzy headaches
  • fevers with chills
  • gas and gas pains
  • hangovers
  • indigestion
  • insomnia
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • nausea
  • menstrual cramps with a heavy flow
  • sinusitis
  • stomach flu
  • vomiting brought on by overeating or eating rich foods.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Nax Vomica

Phosphorus can be found in all living tissue and is vital for genetic functioning. Phosphorus can be used in toothpaste, fertiliser, and laundry detergent. Poisoning from phosphorus causes irritation of the mucous membranes and inflammation of tissue and over time, it can destroy bone.

Homoeopaths may prescribe small doses for symptoms of fatigue and nervousness, for people who bleed easily and have an unquenchable thirst for cold water.

Phosphorus was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Phosphorus can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid…

  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • coughs with congestion and burning pains in the chest
  • visual problems resulting from eyestrain
  • gastritis
  • nosebleeds
  • indigestion accompanied by vomiting or pain
  • stomach ulcers
  • kidney infections
  • nasal polyps
  • hepatitis
  • anaemia
  • haemorrhages
  • diarrhoea
  • menstrual problems.


Phosphorus is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


The pulsatilla, or windflower as it is also known, contains a poisonous substance which results in blisters in the mouth and throat if chewed. Homoeopath will often prescribe Pulsatilla to patients with conditions accompanied by a thick discharge.

Pulsatilla was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Pulsatilla can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • bedwetting
  • breast infections
  • chickenpox
  • conjunctivitis
  • rattling type coughs
  • eye inflammation (when the eyes ache and thick discharge)
  • fever with chills
  • hay fever
  • incontinence
  • indigestion from rich, fatty foods
  • aching joints that improve with movement and cold compresses
  • urethritis in men
  • late menstrual periods
  • otitis media (middle ear infection)
  • sciatica
  • sinusitis
  • varicose veins
  • depression with excessive weeping.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Rhus Toxicodendron is commonly known as poison ivy and is well known worldwide for the rash that forms when its oil rubs on the skin. Over the centuries it has been used to aid disorders such as paralysis and rheumatism. If it is used neat (and not diluted) symptoms such as a rash, nausea, fever, delirium, swollen glands, and ulcers may result.

Homoeopaths use Rhus Toxicodendron to treat conditions that may be accompanied by a fever, restlessness, and swollen glands.

Rhus Toxicodendron was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Rhus Toxicodendron can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • arthritis with stiffness that is worse in the morning and better from motion
  • backache
  • bursitis
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • eye inflammation with swelling and itching
  • genital herpes
  • hamstring injury
  • influenza with painful joints
  • headaches
  • hives that itch or sting
  • joint and back pains from over-exertion
  • sprains with stiffness
  • toothaches.


Rhus Tox (as it is also known) is available over the counter.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.

Rhus Toxicodendron

Ruta has been highly valued for its medicinal strengths over the years. It is reputed to cure numerous complaints, such as headaches, coughs, and croup.

Ruta is toxic in large doses, but it is prescribed by Homoeopaths in minute doses to treat symptoms of weakness or bruising.
Ruta was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Ruta can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • eyestrain caused by overwork and accompanied by heat and pain
  • sciatica
  • groin strain
  • sprains with pain and a bruised sensation
  • tennis elbow
  • injuries of tendons and cartilage.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Sepia is the dark liquid which spurts out of the cuttlefish when it is threatened. Cuttlefish are a mollusc that is related to the squid and octopus.

Sepia can bring about painful side effects if consumed. Homoeopaths prescribe Sepia to patients with symptoms that include apathy, moodiness, and weakness. The cuttlefish ink is diluted with large quantities of milk sugar which makes it non-toxic.
Sepia was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Sepia can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • backaches
  • violent fits of coughing
  • cold sores around the mouth
  • exhaustion
  • genital herpes
  • hair loss
  • gas
  • headaches with throbbing pain
  • sinusitis
  • urinary incontinence
  • menopausal hot flashes
  • menstrual cramps with intense, bearing-down pain
  • nausea resulting from motion sickness or during pregnancy
  • brown spots on the skin.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


Silica is a trace element (only present in the body in small amounts) but is necessary for healthy bones, cartilage, skin and connective tissues. Silica’s medicinal use is limited to Homoeopathy. It is prescribed for patients with severe sweating, weakness, and sensitivity to cold.

Silica, like most Homoeopathic remedies, was made by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Sulphur can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • athlete's foot
  • constipation
  • wounds that are inflamed
  • earache with decreased hearing
  • fingernails that have white spots and split easily
  • headaches beginning in the back of the head and spreading forward to the eyes
  • abscesses
  • swollen glands in the neck
  • gum infections
  • haemorrhoids
  • breast cysts.


Silica is available over the counter in various potencies, in both liquid and tablet form.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


This chemical element is in all living tissue. It has been subscribed over the years for such things as scabies.

Homoeopaths only ever prescribe dilute doses of sulphur to treat symptoms such as irritability, intense itching, burning pains, and offensive odours. The Homoeopathic remedy is made from pure sulfur powder that is diluted with a solution.
Sulphur was made as a remedy by recognizing the reactions of healthy individuals to undiluted doses. The changes in the individuals were recorded.

When a Homoeopath sees a patient with a set of similar symptoms to the recorded ones induced by sulphur, they then prescribe it in an extremely dilute form. In a highly diluted dosage, Sulphur can eliminate the symptoms that it creates when it is at full strength.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • asthma that is worse at night
  • cough with chest pain
  • morning diarrhoea
  • eye inflammation
  • bursitis
  • headaches
  • indigestion
  • joint pain
  • anal itching
  • burning vaginal discharge
  • eczema


Sulphur is available over the counter in both liquid and tablet.

Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.


(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

XXX Health Fact sheet
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