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Mapp & Hession Pharmacy Murwillumbah King Street Chemist Greg Mapp & Paul Hession

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Your Health Fact Sheet

Herbs A - D


Over the years, alfalfa has been used predominantly as animal fodder. Recently however, the medicinal uses of the plant have been noticed and used. It is considered a nutritional supplement and a body cleanser.
Its leaves, growing in groups of three, are thought to nourish the body by stimulating the appetite, acting as a laxative and diuretic, and providing such nutrients as fibre, protein, iron, copper, potassium, silica, phosphorus, magnesium, B1, B2, calcium, chlorophyll, vitamin C and vitamin A. All the goodness is actually in the leaves.

How It May Benefit You...

  • calms inflammation of the bladder
  • urinary tract infections
  • kidney and prostrate disorders
  • bone and joint disorders
  • helps bloating or water retention
  • aids indigestion
  • aids constipation
  • freshens bad breath
  • it is a complete protein - good for vegetarians!
  • it contains all the amino acids needed to digest its own protein
  • alfalfa has alkaline properties - helpful in the gastrointestinal tract
  • blood cleanser
  • can improve the functioning of the liver


Anybody with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) should not have alfalfa products. Alfalfa may cause stomach upset and diarrhoea. If you are anaemic or pregnant, check before taking this herb.


You can purchase alfalfa sprouts - make sure they have the green leaves showing. You can sprout the seeds yourself and use them in salads and dishes. Alfalfa is available as tincture, prepared tea, capsules, or dried leaves. Remember - do not overdose on this or any other herb as it may give you the opposite effect to what you are after, particularly over a period of time

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This plant is hardy and can grow and retain its moisture in drought-stricken or almost impossible situations, usually in the warmer parts of the world.
Aloe vera has been used for its medicinal purposes for thousands of years. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and moisturising properties.
If the plant is taken internally, it is a powerful laxative. The plant has pointed leaves filled with a gel substance. It is this gel which has the healing properties. It apparently contains a natural antihistamine and pain relieving agent. Aloe gel contains an ingredient which acts as a moisturiser to soothe, soften, and protect the skin.

How It May Benefit You...

  • digestive disorders, gastritis, stomach ulcers. - Internally.
  • constipation. - Internally.
  • minor burns, infection in wounds, insect bites, skin irritations, bruising, chickenpox, sunburn, acne. - Apply to skin externally.
  • irritated eyes. - Apply to skin externally.
  • stimulates immunity.


Aloe juice straight from the plant should only be used on skin that is unhealthy or irritated. It may irritate healthy skin. If you are pregnant – consult with a Doctor, Pharmacist or health practitioner before using this plant.


Aloe is available as a powder, capsules, bottled gel, or tablets.

Uses straight from the plant -

  • bites and stings from insects
  • burns, sunburn. (Add aloe gel to a warm bath)
  • blisters.

REMEMBER - do not apply juice to healthy skin.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Angelica pubescens may be used as a pain reliever. The root of this plant alleviates the pain and numbness in joints and muscles attributed to cold, damp weather conditions. This herb is traditionally used in Chinese medicine and is classified as bitter, acrid and warm.

How It May Benefit You...

  • pain in the lower back and legs that worsens in cold, damp weather.
  • mild headache and toothache that respond to changes in the weather.


Do not use angelica root when you have symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, thirst, sweating, and a rapid pulse.


This herb is often used in combination with other Chinese herbs such as wild ginger and gentiana.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Angelica pubescens


Angelica pubescens may be used as a pain reliever. The root of this plant alleviates the pain and numbness in joints and muscles attributed to cold, damp weather conditions. This herb is traditionally used in Chinese medicine and is classified as bitter, acrid and warm.

How It May Benefit You...

  • pain in the lower back and legs that worsens in cold, damp weather.
  • mild headache and toothache that respond to changes in the weather.


Do not use angelica root when you have symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, thirst, sweating, and a rapid pulse.


This herb is often used in combination with other Chinese herbs such as wild ginger and gentiana.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Angelica Root

Do not confuse Aniseed with Star Anise


The dried ripe fruit of this plant is the most potent and is used in many popular products as flavouring and fragrance.

How It May Benefit You...

  • aids digestion - stimulates appetite
  • clears mucus from air passages
  • can help oily skin
  • fights infections - bronchitis, coughs
  • sinusitis
  • helpful for menopausal problems


No known side effects.


The oils obtained from Aniseed are used in Liquorice flavoured Confectionary, Cough Medicines and the Alcoholic Beverages - Ouzo. Also available in the form of dried aniseed, liquid and tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Apricot seeds are used by Chinese herbalists to relieve bronchial problems. These seeds also known as bitter almonds, are believed to serve as an expectorant and also help to stop coughing. In addition apricot seeds may act as a laxative. In traditional Chinese medicine, apricot seeds are classified as bitter and slightly warm.

How It May Benefit You...

  • coughing and wheezing, bronchitis
  • asthma
  • emphysema
  • constipation.


If you have too much you may experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and headache and this can lead to more fatal symptoms and death.
WARNING: This herb contains a poisonous substance and should only be used under the supervision of an experienced herbalist.

Chinese medicine practitioners have advised using extreme caution in using apricot seeds to treat children or patients with diarrhoea.
Some Chinese medicine practitioners believe that apricot seeds should not be taken with the herbs - astragalus, skullcap, or kudzu root.


Apricot seeds or cough syrups made from them are available.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Apricot Seed

Arnica grows wild in Europe, northern Asia, and parts of the United States. Homoeopaths often prescribe Arnica for bruises, sprains, strains, and other types of accidents that are sudden and may induce shock.
Most of the plant is crushed to a pulp and soaked in alcohol before undergoing the dilution process. This process makes the substance safe and non-toxic.

This Homoeopathic Remedy May Aid...

  • blood blisters caused by a blow to the area
  • broken bones and sprains
  • strains, and other sudden injuries
  • bruises
  • sore and swollen joints, as in rheumatism
  • head pain
  • toothache and pain from dental work.
  • groin strain.


Arnica is available over the counter in both tablet and liquid form.
Professional advice is required for each particular ailment and for dosages.



This herb is widely used in Indian medicine and is commonly called Indian Ginseng. It helps people who are under stress, and also is reputed to be an anti-inflammatory agent and a sedative.
This plant also strengthens the body. Its roots, leaves, and berries, are the most potent of the plant and are often able to help people who are recovering from an illness or suffering from excessive fatigue. Ashwaganda also has an aphrodisiac reputation and is believed to help prevent male sterility.

How It May Benefit You...

  • to aid in restoring muscles, body tissues, and bone marrow.
  • aphrodisiac
  • restores proper sexual functioning
  • sedative
  • anti-inflammatory agent
  • helps in stressful situations - infertility
  • chronic fatigue
  • loss of muscular strength
  • multiple sclerosis
  • rheumatism
  • indigestion
  • heart disease
  • hay fever
  • carbuncles (Apply medicated oil externally.)
  • ringworm. (Apply a compress to the affected area.)


Do not eat ashwaganda berries. They may cause severe gastrointestinal pain.


Available as tincture, dried roots and leaves, powder.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This is one of the most used and best known herbs of Chinese medicine. This herb is renowned for stimulating the immune system and aiding digestion problems.
It also heals burns and abscesses, counteracts the negative effects cancer therapy and protects the heart against viral disease.
Astragalus is a member of the legume, or bean, family. It’s roots taste sweet and are the potent parts of the plant. Chinese herbalists prescribe it to build up the vital energy, or qi, of a weakened person and include it in many remedies. It can encourage urination, speed healing of burns and abscesses and help the immune system.

How It May Benefit You...

  • aids your immune system
  • heals wounds, burns, abscesses
  • digestion problems - loss of appetite
  • colds and flu
  • arthritis
  •  weakness and fatigue
  • diarrhoea
  • asthma
  • nerve troubles and anxiety
  • used to help people recover from chemotherapy
  • blood abnormalities - has been used for AIDS patients


Always consult a Professional before taking this herb.


In the form of capsules, teas and tinctures.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Barberry is often prescribed for several liver problems, to decrease heart rate and slow breathing, aid digestion, and fight infection.

How It May Benefit You...

  • jaundice
  • hepatitis
  • anaemia
  • indigestion
  • kills bacteria on the skin
  • constipation
  • diarrhoea
  • heartburn
  • swollen spleen
  • gallstones
  • hangover.
  • inflamed eyelids or conjunctivitis. - use as a compress.
  • sore throat - gargle the barberry tea.


You may experience upset stomach, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or faintness. Always see our Pharmacist if these symptoms persist.
If you take large doses of barberry, you may experience very low blood pressure or convulsions. Stop using the herb immediately.
Use only under strict professional supervision if you have heart disease, chronic respiratory problems or if you are pregnant.


Barberry is available as root, liquid, capsules and powder.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.


This herb comes from the mint family and the part of the plant used for medicinal purposes is the leaves. It improves the cardiovascular system, digestive and immune system as well as assisting with nervous problems.

How It May Benefit You...
· improves Blood Circulation during Pregnancy.
· helps gastric conditions and generally improves digestion
· reported to help various forms of cancer
· rids the body of certain bacteria
· relieves insect bites - if applied topically
· as an essential oil - wakefullness and alertness
· nervous Headaches.
· alleviates the symptoms of whooping cough

Basil is available fresh (and also as a dried spice for culinary use).

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This herb has been used for a long time to improve night vision. Bilberry may actually help other eye problems, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Bilberry strengthens the capillaries and also has an antioxidant affect.
Some European herbalists claim that bilberry may protect the arteries by reducing deposits that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure.
Dried berries work directly on the small intestine and are used to treat diarrhoea.
Herbalists have also prescribed bilberry leaves to lower blood sugar in diabetics.

How It May Benefit You...
· eyestrain, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, nearsightedness, night blindness
· constipation
· vomiting
· diarrhoea and stomach cramps.
· inflammation
· stress and anxiety
· diuretic
· stabilises collagen
· reduces blood clotting
· lowers blood sugar
· prevents ulcers
· if applied topically - varicose veins, haemorrhoids, burns and skin problems.

The use of fresh bilberries can cause diarrhoea in some people. Do not eat more than the recommended dose of the bilberry leaves.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.


This herb is also known as black snakeroot.


This plant contains substances that act like the female hormone oestrogen. Consequently, it is prescribed for several menstrual and menopausal conditions.
It has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic actions.
It is a wonderful herbal tonic for the female uterus and is invaluable before and after childbirth.

How It May Benefit You...

  • menstrual discomfort
  • menopausal disorders
  • premenstrual stress
  • headache
  • diarrhoea
  • bleeding gums
  • spasmodic coughs
  • sedative
  • promotes urination
  • dry up discharges of fluid
  • aids in ridding the lungs of mucus
  • relieve coughs that accompany whooping cough and tuberculosis
  • high blood pressure.


Use this herb only under medical supervision. If your have heart disease or if you are pregnant, or if your doctor has advised you not to use the oral contraceptive - do not use this herb.
Prolonged use may actually irritate the uterus, cause dizziness, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches, joint pains, and lowered heart rate.
If any of these symptoms develop, stop using black cohosh and call your doctor immediately.


Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Black Cohosh


The red substance made from the root of this plant is potentially very harmful and can cause serious side effects if taken liberally.
For this reason, the root is prescribed predominantly as an external remedy to relieve eczema, venereal blisters, rashes, and other skin disorders.
Occasionally this herb may be taken internally but only under professional supervision. Surprisingly, bloodroot is a major ingredient in many mouthwashes and toothpastes because of its ability to kill the bacteria.

How It May Benefit You...

  • gingivitis. (Use as toothpaste and mouthwash.)
  • supervised internal consumption for congestion of the lungs, bronchitis, asthma, headaches, head colds

Bloodroot is applied topically for:

  • fungus,
  • athlete's foot,
  • venereal blisters,
  • rashes,
  • eczema,
  • ringworm,
  • warts.


High doses can cause a burning in the stomach, vomiting, nausea, a slow heart rate, poor vision, thirst, and dizziness. Stop using immediately if these symptoms develop, and consult your Health Professional. Never use internally if you are pregnant.
Bloodroot is potentially toxic
. Take it internally only under strict professional supervision.


Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This herb is used to treat fever. Herbalists may recommend boneset for patients who suffer from colds and influenza. As well as helping reduce fever, boneset can clear mucus from the respiratory tract.

How It May Benefit You...

  • fever, colds, flu, coughs, congestion in the upper respiratory tract,
  • arthritis
  • rheumatism.


Large doses of Boneset can cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea. Never exceed the recommended dose.
Do not use fresh Boneset. It contains a toxic chemical that can cause potentially fatal symptoms. If you have a history of alcoholism, liver disease, or liver cancer do not take this herb unless specifically instructed by your Health Professional.
No one should take this herb for more than 2 weeks at a time.


Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



The leaves of this small South African shrub are often used to increase the production of urine. It is also used to treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Buchu has a mint like smell and taste.

How It May Benefit You...

  • bloating caused by premenstrual syndrome, genital and urinary tract disorders.
  • kidney stones
  • urinary tract infections and other disorders of the urinary tract
  • prostate disorders
  • rheumatism
  • diuretic
  • high blood pressure - always stay on conventional medicine as well.
  • reduces inflammation of the colon, gums, sinuses and vagina
  • aids diabetes


Stomach upset or diarrhoea. Because of the diuretic effect of buchu, be sure to consume potassium rich foods while taking this herb such as bananas and fresh vegetables.
Speak with your doctor if you are pregnant, before taking buchu or any other diuretic.
Avoid Buchu if you have a history of kidney disease.


Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This is a general good health tonic and has been used for centuries. It can be used to treat urinary tract infections, arthritic conditions, external wounds, and skin ulcers.
It is a blood purifier. This herb works best in conjunction with professional medical treatment. The potent parts of the plant are the roots and the seeds.

How It May Benefit You...

  • fungal and bacterial infections
  • skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis, which cause dry, scaly skin
  • urinary tract infections
  • rheumatism
  • arthritis.
  • restores the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder

Can also be used topically for wounds and skin conditions.


Do not exceed the recommended dosages as you may experience stomach discomfort.
Do not use burdock if you are pregnant.

Over the Counter Preparations...

Burdock is available as dried powder and tinctures.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



The petals are the parts of this plant which possess the medicinal properties. They can be used as a tea, ointment or for internal use but only under the professional supervision.
When used externally, this is one of the best herbs for treating burns, scalds, cuts abraisions, and infections because of it’s antiseptic qualities. It should be used anytime there is a cut or open skin, burns or scalds. This herb can heal wounds very quickly, sometimes the next day, and the associated symptoms will be lessened. The fluid inside blisters appear to reduce remarkably.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally under the professional supervision for:

  • indigestion
  • gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • gall bladder problems
  • irregular or painful menstruation.

Apply externally for:

  • cuts, wounds, sores, burns, skin rashes from measles, chickenpox, and other eruptive skin diseases
  • diaper rash
  • athlete's foot and other fungal infections.


Always get the professional recommendation of a qualified herbalist before taking this herb internally.


Calendula is available in several forms for both internal and external use. You can buy lotions, ointments, oils, tinctures, and fresh or dried leaves. The leaves can be soaked and then used as a colour treatment for hair.
Apply ointment immediately to wounds and cover with a dressing. Do this everyday for at least 3 - 4 days. You can also apply to varicose veins in the same way without the dressing.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This plant grows in temperate climates. It is a very difficult plant to kill and other plants will not usually grow well around it. The camphor is stored in the trunks and branches of the camphor trees.

It can be beneficial to keep colds and flu away as well as insects and moths. In fact camphor is renowned for it’s insect repellent attributes.

These days natural camphor has been replaced with a synthetic artificial version. This is reported to be highly toxic by Rudolf Breuss in his book called Cancer Leukaemia. He even says that this substance should not be anywhere in the home.

How It May Benefit You...

  • Easing Muscle Aches
  • easing colds and flu, other respiratory problems, coughing.
  • asthma
  • inflammatory diseases


Should not be taken internally. Avoid naphthalene camphor as it can have toxic effects on the human system.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This herb belongs to the mint family and it used to ease digestion, calm the nerves, and relieve muscle spasms, including menstrual cramps.

How It May Benefit You...

  • indigestion, gas
  • tension, stress, difficulty in sleeping
  • colds, flu, bronchial congestion, fever
  • colic in infants
  • menstrual cramps.

Apply externally for cuts and scrapes.


Cats are attracted to this herb and if they eat too much it can poison them. It does not have this affect on humans. Avoid catnip during pregnancy.


Catnip is available in dried bulk flowers and leaves, tincture and tea bags.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This herb is obtained from a vine native to the highlands of the Peruvian Amazon. The Peruvian Indians have used cats claw for many years to treat many health problems.

How It May Benefit You...

  • boosts immune and digestive functioning
  • bowel problems
  • arthritis
  • bursitis
  • may help people with AIDS, cancer, tumours or ulcers
  • offers additional support for patients going through chemotherapy
  • helps to prevent Atherosclerosis
  • inhibits abnormal Blood Clotting
  • may help to prevent Heart Attack
  • can minimise the effects of Smoking
  • can aid crohn’s disease


Do not use during pregnancy.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Cats Claw


This in a powerful preparation and used by many herbalists. It may stimulate the heart and promote blood circulation, improve digestion, and boost energy.

It is hot in flavour and is also known as a chilli or hot pepper. If applied externally, may be a pain reliever. Cayenne contains the natural stimulant known as capsaicin.

How It May Benefit You...

  • circulation
  • indigestion
  • gas
  • physical or mental exhaustion, and lowered energy or vitality
  • arthritis
  • headaches
  • any type of pain can benefit from cayenne pepper.


Heavy amounts of this on an empty stomach can cause discomfort and eventually ulcers.


Cayenne is available as powder, capsules, tincture, or oil.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Celery seeds are very helpful for people suffering from an over supply of uric acid. Celery has large amounts of potassium and organic sodium that help to rid the body of waste material by stimulating various sites such as the skin, bowels and kidneys. It re-balances the acid/alkaline in the system and may help prevent certain cancers.

How It May Benefit You...

  • helps lower blood pressure
  • rids the body of uric acid - therefore helps the following:-
  • rheumatism
  • sciatica
  • gout
  • flatulence
  • fluid retention
  • helps with skin problems - eczema
  • nerve troubles.


Do not have too much at once.


Celery compilations are available. The real vegetable can be made into a juice for beneficial treatment of certain ailments. It can be made into a tea, using dried celery seeds.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Celery Seed


There are three types of chamomile plant, but the most popular and well used is the German. There are substances in the oil of the chamomile flower that seem to calm the central nervous system, relax the digestive tract, and speed the healing process.

How It May Benefit You...

  • stomach and organ cramps
  • gas and nervous stomach
  • indigestion
  • ulcers
  • menstrual cramps
  • insomnia
  • colic
  • bladder problems.
  • maintains bones and connective tissues.

Apply externally for:

  • swelling and pain in the joints
  • skin inflammation and sunburn
  • cuts and scrapes
  • teething pain
  • varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • sore or inflamed eyes.

Use as a gargle for:

  • gingivitis and
  • sore throat.


None known - however always speak with a Health Professional before diagnosing yourself or taking too much of any herb. Allergies to chamomile are rare… However it is part of the daisy family and some people are allergic to these plants.


Available as prepared tea, tincture, essential oil, and dried or fresh flowers.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



This common weed is one of the best herbs for relieving the discomfort of insect bites and other itchy skin conditions when rubbed on the body.

Also it is beneficial for inflammation of any membranes. The parts of chickweed sooth the skin.
Taken internally, chickweed has a similar soothing and moistening effect on the lungs and stomach.

How It May Benefit You...

Take internally for:

  • sore throat, congestion in the lungs
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • rheumatism.

Apply externally for:

  • cuts or wounds
  • bites from mosquitoes and other insects
  • eczema
  • psoriasis, and other itching skin irritations
  • boils, abscesses
  • skin ulcers
  • scalp conditions - applied topically or drunk as juice.


You can eat as much fresh chickweed as you want. Chickweed is high in vitamin C, and the fresh herb can be eaten raw in a salad or as a cooked green.


Chickweed is available in dried bulk, oil, ointment, and tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Chinese herbalists use cinnamon bark as a stimulant. The tree’s outer bark is the common spice; the inner bark contains the potent oil and has stronger medicinal effects.

This bark is characterised as hot, acrid, and sweet according to traditional Chinese medicine.

How It May Benefit You...

  • poor digestion
  • of appetite
  • diarrhoea with undigested food
  • abdominal spasms and disorders
  • excessive urination, impotence, and lack of sexual desire.
  • menstrual pain, lack of menstruation, infertility.
  • wheezing from asthma caused by exposure to cold.


Large doses can cause breathing difficulties, enlarged blood vessels, and convulsions. Use this herb very cautiously if you are pregnant.

Do not use when you have a fever, inflammation, or are haemorrhaging.


Cinnamon bark is available fresh or dried. It can be taken in the form of powder, pill, or tincture.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Cinnamon twigs are used for colds, flu, arthritis, and minor gynaecological problems.
Only use good quality twigs - those that have a deep red/brown colour and strong scent.
While cinnamon twigs have a lot in common with cinnamon bark, Chinese herbalists use each part of the plant to treat different ailments. Cinnamon twigs are characterised in traditional Chinese medicine as warm, acrid, and sweet.

How It May Benefit You...

  • colds, influenza, and mild fever.
  • arthritis and rheumatism.
  • ·gynaecological problems


Do not use cinnamon twigs if you are pregnant as you may have a more difficult birth. Also do not use this herb if you menstruate heavily as you may experience even heavier periods. Do not use the herb if you have a high fever.


Combinations: A preparation containing cinnamon twigs and liquorice that has been fried with honey is recommended for palpitations and shortness of breath.

When mixed with evodia fruit, the herb is prescribed for abdominal pain and menstrual disorders.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Cinnamon Twig


This herb has a very good reputation as a wound healer. It soothes, heals and reduces inflammation.
Taking this product internally raises some controversy and is not recommended unless you are under the careful supervision of a Health Professional. Comfrey contains a substance which can cause liver damage when consumed in large amounts. The active substance in comfrey is allantoin, which encourages new cells.

Although its internal use remains questionable, comfrey can be used safely on external injuries such as cuts and other wounds.

How It May Benefit You...

  • wounds
  • cuts
  • insect bites
  • bruises
  • ulcers
  • inflammations. (Apply externally.)


Do not use internally - may cause liver damage.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



The part of the corn cob that is medicinal is the silky, golden threads at the end of the cob. These silky strands are particularly helpful for the kidneys, and urinary tract. They contain silica, sodium and potassium and calcium and magnesium phosphates.

How It May Benefit You...

  • cystitis
  • aids the proper functioning of the kidney, bladder and small intestine.
  • prescribed for bed-wetting
  • carpel tunnel syndrome
  • prostate disorders


No side effects are known.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Corn Silk


This herb is renowned as an aphrodisiac throughout the world. It works because it enhances the action of testosterone.
It is also an anti-depressant and mood enhancer. It has been used as a food additive in sweets, baked goods, and liqueurs, and has even been smoked. Some contemporary herbalists think Damiana has no medicinal benefits, others believe it benefits the nervous and endocrine systems. It is prescribed to reduce anxiety, depression.

Damiana may also benefit the urinary tract and genitalia area.

How It May Benefit You...

  • laxative
  • brings oxygen to the genital area
  • aphrodisiac
  • remedies sexual and hormonal problems
  • mood enhancer
  • anti-depressant
  • impotence and prostate troubles.


Too much Damiana can cause insomnia and headaches. Do not use if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.


Damiana is available in tinctures and capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Dandelion is a common garden weed but is touted as a valuable herbal remedy. It acts as a natural diuretic while also supplying potassium, a nutrient that is often lost through diuretic use.

The plant is rich in the antioxidants, vitamins A and C. The young leaves can be eaten fresh or used in herbal preparations.

How It May Benefit You...

  • poor digestion
  • gall bladder problems
  • inflammation of the liver
  • congestive heart failure and high blood pressure that require diuretic treatment.

As a supplemental diuretic, dandelion may help relieve symptoms associated with:

  • high blood pressure,
  • congestive heart failure,
  • premenstrual syndrome,
  • menstrual pain, and
  • joint pain.


Discontinue using dandelion if you get allergic dermatitis, stomach upset, diarrhoea, flu like symptoms, or liver pain. If you are pregnant, have a heart condition, or inflamed stomach or colon use dandelion only with Professional consultation.


Available in tinctures, prepared tea, capsules, and dried or fresh leaves or roots.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.



Devil’s claw has been used for centuries by Africans because of its ability to heal. Traditionally, the dried root was made into a tea used to treat indigestion, fevers, and blood disorders, while the fresh root was used for boils and skin problems.
This herb is believed to reduce pain and inflammation and is therefore recommended for arthritis.

How It May Benefit You...

  • arthritis,
  • gout,
  • fibrositis
  • lumbago.
  • pain in joints and muscles.

Apply externally for skin lesions and boils.


Check with your Doctor before using devil's claw if you are pregnant.


Devil's claw is available in tinctures and capsules.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Devil's Claw


This is a vital herb used by Chinese medicine practitioners as a treatment for several gynaecological complaints. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this herb is characterised as sweet, acrid, bitter, and warm.

How It May Benefit You...

  • menstrual irregularity, lack of menstruation, or painful menstruation.
  • menopausal symptoms
  • stabbing pain, pain caused by traumatic injury.
  • poor blood circulation, pale complexion, possible anaemia.
  • carbuncles that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, arise from stagnant blood;
  • abscesses; sores.
  • light-headedness, blurred vision, heart palpitations.


Should not be used during pregnancy or when you have excessive bleeding during your period.


This root is widely available in tablet form.

Always seek professional advice for your particular condition/s before taking herbal mixtures.

Dong Quai

(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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